5 Female Travelers in 2024 Who are Setting Travel and Freedom goals for Many of Us!

Travelling is one such thing everyone loves. Travelling allows us to have a break from our routine life and give a sense of joy and relaxation. But it is a common practice in India to not let women go traveling alone. But in this article, we are going to list out some female travelers who break all the stereotypes and stood as inspiration when coming to achieving our goals.

  1. Shivya Nath

Shivya Nath is one of the famous Indian travelers who started traveling just at the young age of 23 years. She left her corporate job to pursue her passion for traveling. Another thing is that she encourages all travelers to follow environmentally sustainable initiatives. With all the above-mentioned points we can say that Shivya Nath is one of the most responsible and inspirational travelers we have seen so far. 

  1. Amrita Das

Amrita Das became popular after she started her blog on traveling in the year 2015. Amrita Das was listed among the list of top 35 best female bloggers by travel jungkette. Amrita Das also quit her corporate job in 2014 to pursue her dream of traveling and inspires many women to follow the same path.

  1. Charukesi ramadurai

She is a freelance journalist and author who has written for several big publications in India as well as for other countries including Outlook traveler, The New York Times, Deccan Herald, South China Morning Post, Forbes, and many more. On her blog, she shares her travel experiences through creative writing skills and inspires many readers. 

  1. Medhavi Davda

Medhavi is another solo woman traveler, an adventure travel blogger, a high-altitude trekker, and a certified scuba driver. Medhavi also followed the path of many travellers like she left her career in it and when to stay in Himachal Pradesh. Since then she has traveled all over the world and gained a lot of experience. Medhavi was a speaker on TEDx and inspires every woman to explore the beautiful world around us.

  1. Girls on the go

Girls on the go is a group formed by 25 women who had a similar passion for travel. This women travelers group was formed in 2008 and they travel from Leh Ladakh to the arctic region exploring everything in between. They also organize group tours for many other women and for solo travelers who have similar interests in traveling. They did many inspirational things after forming their group. Some of them include helping wheelchair-bound women enjoy Skydiving and taking a 90-year-old woman to the Arctic.


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